
Stormcast Eternals - Gardus Steel Soul

UPC Code : 5011921165407
Games Workshop

Loyauté : 157 Points

C$ 52.50
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As the revered Lord-Celestant of the Hallowed Knights and a living symbol of hope to all citizens of Order, Gardus Steel Soul shines like a beacon of divine light at the head of his Stormcast Eternals war host. Wielding his faith as surely as he does his runeblade and warhammer, Steel Soul never tires in service of his God-King and the innocents he's pledged to safeguard.

Gardus Steel Soul is just as adept at leading his Hallowed Knights as he is cutting down the enemies of Order in close combat, so don't be afraid to let him get stuck into the fray. He is depicted mid-landing having been projected from Azyr upon a Sigmarite thunderbolt, with his war cloak billowing up behind him from the force of impact, recreating the iconic artwork from Black Library novel Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid. This stunning model can be assembled either wearing a helmet or without.

This multipart plastic kit is comprised of 15 components, with which you can assemble one Gardus Steel Soul, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 50mm Round Base. 

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